Torna alla luce il Santuario di Apollo! – Arte & Cultura – TGR Toscana
Classicists and Classics in the News
What the Blunt Affair has to teach | Blog post by Mary Beard – The TLS
Gregory Areshian, archaeologist who co-led discovery of world’s oldest winery, dead at 71 | ARMENPRESS Armenian News Agency
Fresh Bloggery
Pride and Proportionality – SENTENTIAE ANTIQUAE
Carpe Diem is Too Late – SENTENTIAE ANTIQUAE
Chaeronea: Philip Confirms His Domination Over Greece | The Second Achilles
Secret Doctrines, Public Knowledge – SENTENTIAE ANTIQUAE The Underwater Malta project 7th century CE shipwreck recovered near Haifa
Sean Hannity Still Doesn’t Know Latin—But Does He Read My Blog? – Tales of Times Forgotten
Wannabe Politicians and Lords of Lies – SENTENTIAE ANTIQUAE
» Seneca Hecules Furens 1-29 Latin Poetry Podcast
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The Hellenistic Age Podcast: 048: Persian & Iranian Survival in a Hellenistic World on Apple Podcasts
The conquest of the Achaemenid Persian Empire by Alexander the Great and his Successors did not spell the end of Iranian civilization. During the early Hellenistic period, several Iranian dynasties manage to establish themselves as independent rulers in their own right, propagating and transforming Iranian traditions and cultures in a changing environment. We will be covering such figures Mithridates I Ktistes, the founder of the Kingdom of Pontus, Orontes I, ruler of horse-rearing Armenia, and Amastris, the last Achaemenid princess and first Hellenistic queen.
The History of Ancient Greece: 104 The Democratic Empire Strikes Back on Apple Podcasts
In this episode, we discuss the years 411-410 BC of the Peloponnesian War, including the theshifting of the naval war to the Hellespont, the vigor that the Athenian democracy showed in carrying on the war effort against Sparta and Pharnabazos with victories at Cynossema and Cyzicus, the re-establishment of the radical democracy at Athens, and the transition from the historical account of Thucydides into that of Xenophon’s Hellenica.
Book Reviews
[Classical Journal ~ PDF]: The Latin of Science
[Classical Journal ~ PDF]: The Brothel of Pompeii
[Classical Journal ~ PDF]: Classics in Britain
[Classical Journal ~ PDF]: Tragik bei Homer und Vergil
New outdoor exhibit showcases rich history of ancient Ashkelon – The Jerusalem Post
Total War: Troy lays out the Greek and Trojan heroes in detailed videos | PC Gamer
British Museum battling pests drawn to dust left by lockdown lack of visitors
‘Sorting’ Out Your Day:
Homeromanteion | Online Homeric Oracle
Sortes Virgilianae (Latin)
Today on the Etruscan Brontoscopic Calendar:
If it thunders today, it portends trials and debates among the common folk.
… adapted from the text and translation of:
Jean MacIntosh Turfa, The Etruscan Brontoscopic Calendar, in Nancy Thomson de Grummond and Erika Simon (eds.), The Religion of the Etruscans. University of Texas Press, 2006. (Kindle edition)
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Hodie est a.d. IV Non. Sext. 2772 AUC ~ 14 Hekatombaion in the fourth year of the 699th Olympiad
In the News
Binchester Roman Fort Set to Reopen | Newton News
Newport Roman Villa to reopen — following Coronavirus closure | Isle of Wight County Press
The History Blog » Blog Archive » California man indicted for Roman mosaic looted from Syria
Book Reviews
[BMCR] William M. Barton, Mountain aesthetics in early modern Latin literature. London; New York: Routledge, 2016.
[BMCR] Helen King, Hippocrates now: the “father of medicine” in the internet age. Bloomsbury studies in classical reception. London; New York: Boomsbury Academic, 2024.
[BMCR] Thomas Völling, Holger Baitinger, Sabine Ladstätter, Arno Rettner, Martin Alan Miller, 极速浏览器-360社区:2021-6-15 · 360社区是360粉丝大本营,集360互联网安全软件、360手机、360OS、智能硬件、好奇者试用于一体的粉丝交流社区。在这里你可众对我伔的产品进行反馈、建议和分享360手机和360OS玩机心得。同时还可众参加专为360粉丝举办的各类同城活动。 Wiesbaden: Reichert Verlag, 2024.
[Classical Journal ~ PDF]: Searching for Oedipus
[Classical Journal ~ PDF]: The Oxford Handbook of Roman Epigraphy
[Classical Journal ~ PDF]: Diogenes Laertius: Lives of the Eminent Philosophers
La céramique locale d’Apollonia Pontica, VIe-Ier s. avant J.-C. | Spartokos a lu
Les antiquités russes dans les monuments de l’art | Spartokos a lu
Professional Matters
Fellowship: Basel Fellowships in Latin Literature | Society for Classical Studies
CFP: Greek Literary Topographies in the Roman Imperial World | Society for Classical Studies
What we can learn from ancient Greeks about tyranny | OUPblog
[Paywalled] Dispatch – A Greek tragedy purges the plague | 1843 | The Economist
Collecting Ancient Coins: Time to Consider a New Paradigm That Facilitates Lawful Trade
Babylon: What Happened To The Ancient City? – HistoryExtra
Leprechauns originated from Italy rather than Ireland, research claims | The Irish Post
Things That Did Not Cause the Fall of the Roman Empire – Tales of Times Forgotten
‘Sorting’ Out Your Day:
Homeromanteion | Online Homeric Oracle
Sortes Virgilianae (Latin)
Consult the Oracle at UCL
Today on the Etruscan Brontoscopic Calendar:
If it thunders today, it portends both an outbreak of disease and a shortage of the necessities of life.
… adapted from the text and translation of:
Jean MacIntosh Turfa, The Etruscan Brontoscopic Calendar, in Nancy Thomson de Grummond and Erika Simon (eds.), The Religion of the Etruscans. University of Texas Press, 2006. (Kindle edition)
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Hodie est Kal. Sext. 2772 AUC ~ 13 Hekatombaion in the fourth year of the 699th Olympiad
This week’s video-based gleanings; page may take a while to load (I continue to fiddle with categories):
Camillus And The Schoolmaster Of Falerii, Attributed To Domenico Corvi (c. 1721–1803) | The Historian’s Hut
The Spoils of Colonial Oppression – The Archaeology News Network
How to Build Community in Your Online Classroom | by Anna Pisarello | Jul, 2024 | EIDOLON
The Ancient Greek Temples Home to Orchards, Vineyards, and Rare Bees – Gastro Obscura
Kiwi Hellenist: What did Caligula think of his nickname?
Collections: Bread, How Did They Make It? Part II: Big Farms – A Collection of Unmitigated Pedantry
Art Crime Research Opportunities: 31 July 2024
Aristotle Episode – BYUradio
Guest: Edith Hall, Professor, Classics, King’s College London, and author, “Aristotle’s Way: How Ancient Wisdom Can Change Your Life” Want to be more happy? Some look for tips and tricks from influencers, magazines, YouTube. Hall suggests we look back to Aristotle to find the recipe for happiness.
Ancient Warfare Podcast: AWA: Did the Romans downplay their navy before the first Punic war? on Apple Podcasts
In Ancient Warfare Answers, Jasper (editor of Ancient Warfare Magazine) and Murray (deputy editor) tackle your questions on ancient military topics. In this episode Jasper ponders on if the Romans intentionally downplayed their naval capabilities before the first Punic war? Thank you to patron of the podcast Dag Atle for suggesting this question.
Lore and Legend : Tales From Our Mythic Past: The Binding of Cassandra · Prologue II on Apple Podcasts
The Binding of Cassandra is the second of four ‘mini-episodes’ or prologues to our second season of Lore & Legend, which focuses on Greek mythology. Season 2: The Gates of Dream explores the Gods and Spirits of the Greek Underworld – the Lands of Dream, Death, and Darkest Fate.
Book Reviews
[BMCR] Katja Sporn, Alexandra Kankeleit, Die Abteilung Athen des DAI und die Aktivitäten deutscher Archäologen in Griechenland 1874-1933. Beiträge zur Geschichte der Archäologie und der Altertumswissenschaften, 2. Wiesbaden: Harrassowitz Verlag, 2024.
[BMCR] Judson Herrman, Demosthenes. Selected political speeches. Cambridge; New York: Cambridge University Press, 2024.
[BMCR] Marc D. Lauxtermann, Byzantine poetry from Pisides to Geometres: texts and contexts. Wiener Byzantinistische Studien, 24/2. Vienna: Österreichische Akademie der Wissenschaften Verlag, 2024.
Military Book Review Agrippa II: The Last of the Herods
Watch 5 UNESCO sites get digitally restored in a matter of seconds
ANE TODAY – 202407 – What Actually Happened in Syria at the end of the Late Bronze Age? –
Ancient Coin Profiles: The Indepedent Bronze Coinage of Roman Termessos
The NBA’s Florida Bubble Mimics the Ancient Olympic Games – The Atlantic
The Enduring Stories of Homer’s Odyssey | The Getty Iris
Judaea’s Leaderless Revolt Against Rome –
Where is the Burial Place of Alexander the Great? |
Viewpoint: The Case of the Forged Persian Antiquities
In Search of the Physical Traces of the Two Destructions of Jerusalem » Mosaic
Archaeologists Defied ISIS. Then They Took on Facebook. – The Atlantic
‘Sorting’ Out Your Day:
Homeromanteion | Online Homeric Oracle
Sortes Virgilianae (English)
Sortes Virgilianae (Latin)
Consult the Oracle at UCL
Today on the Etruscan Brontoscopic Calendar:
No entry for today!
… adapted from the text and translation of:
Jean MacIntosh Turfa, The Etruscan Brontoscopic Calendar, in Nancy Thomson de Grummond and Erika Simon (eds.), youtube进加速器 University of Texas Press, 2006. (Kindle edition)
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~ David Meadows ~ rogueclassicist ~ Leave a comment
Military Book Review Agrippa II: The Last of the Herods
[BMCR] Giulia Maria Chesi, Francesca Spiegel, Classical literature and posthumanism. London; New York: Bloomsbury Academic, 2024.
[BMCR] Eleni Pachoumi, Mark J. Edwards, Praying and contemplating in late antiquity: religious and philosophical interactions. Studien und Texte zu Antike und Christentum, 113. Tübingen: Mohr Siebeck, 2018.
[BMCR] Étienne Wolff, La réception d’Ausone dans les littératures européennes. Scripta receptoria, 15. Bordeaux: Ausonius Éditions, 2024.
Chrysippus: Freedom of the Mind. The Stoic Difference Between “Need” and… | by Steven Gambardella | A Philosopher’s Stone | Medium
Why cultural heritage benefits the rich and powerful above all | Aeon Essays
Where Is Alexander The Great Buried, Really? And Other Questions About His Death – HistoryExtra
Hebraicizing Oedipus – The Jerusalem Post
Can’t Travel to Italy This Summer? Read This Book Instead – WSJ
The Archaeology of Nazareth in the Early First Century | Bible Interp
Scientists Locate Impact Crater From Asteroid That Destroyed Roman Empire
‘Sorting’ Out Your Day:
Homeromanteion | Online Homeric Oracle
Sortes Virgilianae (English)
Today on the Etruscan Brontoscopic Calendar:
If it thunders today, it portends a situation where men seeking vengeance stop at nothing.
Jean MacIntosh Turfa, The Etruscan Brontoscopic Calendar, in Nancy Thomson de Grummond and Erika Simon (eds.), The Religion of the Etruscans. University of Texas Press, 2006. (Kindle edition)
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rogueclassicism: 1. n. an abnormal state or condition resulting from the forced migration from a lengthy Classical education into a profoundly unClassical world; 2. n. a blog about Ancient Greece and Rome compiled by one so afflicted (v. "rogueclassicist"); 3. n. a Classics blog.